Graphic design film poster.

photoshop work.

This was my first go at photoshop. As you can see I did not get the hang of it and I was a beginner. I accidentally made the poster black and white and I deleted some of the description.

Lesson 1

In this photo I photoshopped a elephant onto a street image. I then added a shadow.  

lesson 2
In this photo I edited a mans head on to Ed Sheeran's head. I attempted to merge the neck and piece of clothing together. It went a bit wrong.
lesson 3
In this photo I added one picture to another and used the gradient tool to merge them together. Then added a title.

Lesson 4
    I don't like this poster because there is not enough information                                                on the film. The poster also looks like a quick job.

 I do not like this poster as the colours are boring and you can't see the character very well.

  I do not like this poster as the colours are boring, there's                                                                              only one character shown and the poster looks like a copy of others.

  I like this poster as you can see the character clearly and it is not                                                                exactly like all the others in this theme.                                                                    

 I like this poster because you can clearly see more than one character. I also like that the poster as it does not contain writing we don't want to see like copy rights. 

Poster annotation.

Task 5 B

lesson 6.

Narrative 1.

The title. Invisible box.

Age. 19

Name. David Joel

Gender. Male 

Genre. Si-Fi


The bag is a Small black rucksack. The bag contains a box with a button, Wires, and headphones. The box with a button came in the bag that he found. It will turn him invisible when button pressed. He still live with parents. He lives in Cambridge.  It is in the city, it is dark and gloomy. His house is small and rundown with white paint turning grey. He sleeps in a bright and colourful room to symbolise life is actually beautiful. His haircut is short and he wears hoodies and jeans.

Narrative 2.

The title: The time traveling box.

Gender: Male

name: Bill

Age: 17

Genre: Si-Fi

The black bag is found by the character near their home. The black bag contains a small box which has the power to time travel the character uses the power for their advantage making errors along the way.

Narrative 3.

The title: Escape

Gender: Male

Name: Barry

Age: 19

Genre: Thriller

The character finds the black bag after escaping prison. The bag contains a hand gun, bullets and a lot of money. With all of this the character uses the contents to escape the law.

The narrative I chose was the second narrative as I find it would be an interesting concept, I love the idea of time travel and I also feel like the poster would be fun to make. I also feel the font Amador Regular would be perfect for the Genre as it gives the movie an inner darkness.

The poster.

My first idea is the main character will be back to camera looking out on a road with the black bag on their back. Some wires are sticking out of the bag. The character is the only character displayed in the poster to show their importance in the movie. 

Lesson 7 and 8

colour pallet.

Pre production.

The stills I want to shoot: A character with their back towards the camera looking out onto a road. A black bag is on their back with wires sticking out.
 A character on a roof top, back to camera with a black rucksack on their back. It has wires sticking out the bag. 
A character with their back to the camera in the woods and there is a black rucksack on their back with wires sticking out.

For these shots I need a black rucksack, wires and it needs to be either on a street or in some woods.
    The clothes: A hoody, jeans and basic shoes.                                                                                                                                                    
If  I use the woods idea I want the woods in the background of the character. I need the trees and the other scenery in the poster. If I choose the street idea I would need the character as the focus of the poster.  The street should be blurred out so you can see it but you don't focus on it.

The idea I chose was the woods idea because it would make you wonder about how the character got there I also think it would be a interesting poster.

First Idea for the poster.

This idea was wrong as the poster had to be a quad poster. 

The font

Formula extra Bold. I like this font as I think it fits the theme of the movie as it is great for action, thrillers and dramas. 

 Amador regular. I like this font as it is eye catching and it makes you look at the text on the poster. The font also makes the film seem interesting and fun. This font will be brilliant as it could show the inner darkness in the movie as it is gothic.                                                         

 Helvetica Neue 93 - Black Extended. This will fit well as it is bold and gets to the point. It is a font great for dramas.  The black colour is great for the theme.                                     

Lumos. Great font for gothic films and it shows there's darkness in the movie. It is also eye catching. I would need to create one familiar to this font as it was specifically made for Harry Potter.

Sucker font. Eye catching and interesting. I like that its not used so much. Great for thrillers, dramas and dark movies.  I would need to create a font familiar to this one.

Bootle. This font is bold and black great for dramas. The font is also familiar to people so they will stop to look. I would need a font familiar to this one as it was made for the Beatles.

Dark and black regular. This font is eye catching and it is not used as much as other fonts. I personally think this font is great for horrors and dramas. 

 wacamoler caps. I chose this font to look at as I love the the font and its eye catching. I also think its fun, exciting and great for fantasy/fantasy dramas.
The font I am going to use is the back to the future font because it is eye catching and it's well known. The style is known to be for a time travelling movie so it will be great for my film poster. I will also chose this font because personally I love it.

second, better idea for the poster.

This poster would be a quad meaning it will be horizontal. The posters hight would be 20 inches while the posters length will be 15 inches.

The poster lay out was based upon the Brotherhood film poster.

The image: The background is of a forest. The character back to the camera in normal cloths trees and other surroundings can be seen behind the character. The cloths are, A hoody and jeans. The character has a black rucksack on their back. The poses I need is a characters back directly to the camera so all we can see the characters back and no face. However, an alternative idea is the character back to camera but their face is to the side so you can only see the side of their face. this alternative idea seems to me to be a better concept. The genre is Si-Fi and the poster is based upon the A loner viewed from behind cliche.  

Risk Assessment.

In the photoshoot I got the photo I needed however, the lights where not positioned in the right place, the camera was too close and the lights were too bright. Next time I would make sure these errors are sorted before the photo shoot to ensure I get a best end result. We also did the photoshoot in a classroom so there was little space to move everything around. I also failed to get one detail in my idea as I did not plan the photo shoot well, next time I would plan the props and timings better. 

The poster.

The picture before.

The final poster design.

The issue with my film poster is that the background image does not fit the poster size properly. I added a quick sentence to give the audience a insider of what the film may be about and I looked at a credit template from Tip squirrel to help me with my credits. The character is on their own as it clearly shows the audience the main character of the movie. I also used the brother hood film poster as a template to tell me where I should put my information.

Student Name

William O’Carroll FitzPatrick





Copy and paste these questions and answer on the blog at the bottom of the film poster page.

Submit the link on TEAMS. 

What makes your poster standout?

My poster stands out with the use of red writing rather than boring black or blue writing which is used for most film posters. My poster also stands out with the use of the image as not many posters are set in the woods. 

Who would you say is the target audience for the film (consider: age range, gender, interests)?

I feel the target audience would be 15-year old’s who are both male and female. The target audience would love/enjoy the concept of time travel and drama. 

If you had an extra week or bigger budget what would you do differently?

 I would have more time to get more shots for the poster. I would have made a first attempt at the poster to see what I can do then I would make the actual poster after. I would use the money for a better bigger green screen, and I would have got better props. 

What changes to your workflow could you make in future projects to improve your outcome?

I would ask for help more when I am stuck. 

How did you improve your Photoshop skills?

I have learned how to Get rid of the green screen from a photo.


What research did you do to aid your creation of a film poster (this could include looking at other examples, researching fonts, lighting styles, effects etc)?

I first looked at different designs of film posters for drama and Si-Fi. Once I had my idea of what the story and how the poster would be, I looked at different designs of posters with the same concept. The concept I was researching was the character lonely back to camera concept.  When I needed to make the credits, I looked on the internet for some templates. I stumbled across a template by Tip squirrel and used it to know what to put in the template and where to put it.

What research methods did you use (google, talking to others, teacher advice, youTube etc)?

I used Google for searching up images and I used youtube for helpful videos about green screens and poster layouts.


Which of these methods was the most useful?

Youtube was most useful as I could follow along with there instructions. I could also go back if I got something wrong.


How successful were you at evidencing your progression and work as you went along?

I put on the blog my photo before and after photoshop,  I also put on the blogger my original ideas and last ideas.

Pay attention to the assessment criteria below. 


Teacher comment

Investigating visual
production and





3. Be able to evaluate
solutions to a visual based problem in creative
media production.

3.1 Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to a visual-based problem in creative media production.




Brief Assessor(s):


S Howarth




M Sharifi



Verbal, summative


Marking rubric

Pass / Fail



Fri 4 December 4.30

Submit blog-link on Teams
